Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hello World

T always says he won my heart with good food. We had our first date over it (the buttery Black Cod Miso at Sharaku for half the price of that at Nobu but just as delicious), and our dating period ensued with introductions to other scrumptious finds in the city (all at a budget saavy price, mind you).

This blog emerges from two desires. One - to give people a peek into our little humble 'hood.' And two - as a family trying to brainstorm for 7 days worth of meals, I've found myself at a (for lack of a better word) brain fart many a times after work for what dinners + lunches should be. Thus I hope this becomes an avenue where we share our love for food with others. So please, feel free to post your suggestions or recipe ideas in the 'Comments' section! I always welcome new ideas for yummy (and key: time efficient) dishes.

I'll start off first with an introduction to the heavenly dessert that swept me off my feet: Otto's Olive Oil Coppetta, a luxurious layer of olive oil gelato, blood oranges, and candied clementines sprinkled with sea salt (fruits change seasonally). As weird as it sounds at first, this exotic combination had me ooh-ing and ahh-ing for more. Or maybe it came out more like "OH MY GOSH!!" The sea salt sprinkles sound odd but it's just enough to highlight the beauty of the rich olive oil flavor.

Now T & I have tried to mimic the gelato at home to not so much success (although if you wish to try, the Babbo Cookbook recipe is here), but I discovered a less laborious method in Jamie Oliver's "Jamie's Italy" cookbook (key: time-efficient!):

Gelato con olio e sale
"I was served this dish many years ago and was shocked but it was bloody gorgeous! It can only be made successfully if you use half-decent vanilla ice cream and the best olive oil you can get your hands on. Put a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream into your bowls. Drizzle over some very-good-quality extra virgin olive oil, preferably one with a nice grassy, flowery flavor and sprinkle a tiny pinch of sea salt on top. I can't explain what it's like - you'll just have to try it!"


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